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Cloudflare Web3 docs

Develop Web3 applications without having to worry about running infrastructure
Add-on feature

Web3, or the distributed web, is a set of technologies that enables hosting of content and web applications in a serverless manner by leveraging distributed systems and consensus protocols.

​​ Features

​​ IPFS Gateway

Paid add-on

Provides a read-only, HTTP-accessible interface to the Interplanetary File System (IPFS).

​​ Ethereum Gateway

Paid add-on

Gives you read and write access to the Ethereum network without installing any software on your computer.

​​ Polygon Gateway

Paid add-on for Enterprise

Gives you read and write access to the Polygon network without installing any software on your computer.

​​ Benefits

Cloudflare’s Web3 gateways provide HTTP-accessible interfaces to Web3 networks, providing:

  • Ease of access: Access content from Web3 networks without installing or running any special software.
  • Security: Get the protection benefits of Cloudflare’s global Anycast network for enhanced security.
  • Reduced maintenance: Cloudflare — and not your developers — maintains and monitors security, reliability, and performance.
  • Reliability: Cloudflare’s global Anycast network provides a high level of reliability and availability.
  • Performance: With Cloudflare’s edge network of data centers in over 270 cities, content can be cached and served from data centers close to your end users.

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