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Use R2 from Workers

​​ 1. Install Wrangler

To create your R2 bucket, install Wrangler, the Workers CLI.

To install wrangler, ensure you have npm installed. Use a Node version manager like Volta or nvm to avoid permission issues or to easily change Node.js versions, then run:

$ npm install -g wrangler

or install with yarn:

$ yarn global add wrangler

Refer to the Wrangler Install/Update page for more information.

​​ 2. Authenticate Wrangler

With installation complete, wrangler will need access to a Cloudflare OAuth token to manage Workers resources on your behalf.

Run the command wrangler login, which will automate this process.

Wrangler will attempt to automatically open your web browser to complete the login process to your Cloudflare account. If you have issues completing this step or you do not have access to a browser GUI, you can copy and paste the URL generated by wrangler login in your terminal into a browser and log in.

$ wrangler login
Allow Wrangler to open a page in your browser? [y/n]
💁 Opened a link in your default browser:

Open the browser, log in to your account, and select Allow. This will send an OAuth Token to Wrangler so it can deploy your scripts to Cloudflare.

​​ 3. Create your bucket

Create your bucket by running:

$ wrangler r2 bucket create <YOUR_BUCKET_NAME>

To check that your bucket was created, run:

$ wrangler r2 bucket list

After running the list command, you will see all bucket names, including the one you have just created.

​​ 4. Bind your bucket to a Worker

You will need to bind your bucket to a Worker.

Create a Worker using a template. Wrangler templates are git repositories that are designed to be a starting point for building a new Cloudflare Workers project.

$ wrangler init <YOUR_WORKER_NAME>

Next, find your newly generated wrangler.toml file in your project’s directory and update account_id with your Cloudflare Account ID.

Find your Account ID by logging in to the Cloudflare dashboard > Overview > move down to API > and select Click to copy to copy your Account ID. Or run the wrangler whoami command to copy your Account ID.

main = "src/index.js"
compatibility_date = "2022-06-30"
account_id = "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID" # ← Replace with your Account ID.
workers_dev = true

To bind your R2 bucket to your Worker, add the following to your wrangler.toml file. Update the binding property to a valid JavaScript variable identifier and bucket_name to the <YOUR_BUCKET_NAME> you used to create your bucket in step 3:

binding = 'MY_BUCKET' # <~ valid JavaScript variable name
bucket_name = '<YOUR_BUCKET_NAME>'

Find more detailed information on configuring your Worker in the Wrangler Configuration documentation.

​​ 5. Access your R2 bucket from your Worker

Within your Worker code, your bucket is now available under the MY_BUCKET variable and you can begin interacting with it.

An R2 bucket is able to READ, LIST, WRITE, and DELETE objects. You can see an example of all operations below using the Module Worker syntax. Add the following snippet into your project’s index.js file:

export default {
async fetch(request, env) {
const url = new URL(request.url);
const key = url.pathname.slice(1);
switch (request.method) {
case 'PUT':
await env.MY_BUCKET.put(key, request.body);
return new Response(`Put ${key} successfully!`);
case 'GET':
const object = await env.MY_BUCKET.get(key);
if (object === null) {
return new Response('Object Not Found', { status: 404 });
const headers = new Headers();
headers.set('etag', object.httpEtag);
return new Response(object.body, {
case 'DELETE':
await env.MY_BUCKET.delete(key);
return new Response('Deleted!');
return new Response('Method Not Allowed', {
status: 405,
headers: {
Allow: 'PUT, GET, DELETE',

​​ 6. Bucket access and privacy

With the above code added to your Worker, every incoming request has the ability to interact with your bucket. This means your bucket is publicly exposed and its contents can be accessed and modified by undesired actors.

You must now define authorization logic to determine who can perform what actions to your bucket. This logic lives within your Worker’s code, as it is your application’s job to determine user privileges. The following is a short list of resources related to access and authorization practices:

  1. Basic Authentication: Shows how to restrict access using the HTTP Basic schema.
  2. Using Custom Headers: Allow or deny a request based on a known pre-shared key in a header.

Continuing with your newly created bucket and Worker, you will need to protect all bucket operations.

For PUT and DELETE requests, you will make use of a new AUTH_KEY_SECRET environment variable, which you will define later as a Wrangler secret.

For GET requests, you will ensure that only a specific file can be requested. All of this custom logic occurs inside of an authorizeRequest function, with the hasValidHeader function handling the custom header logic. If all validation passes, then the operation is allowed.

const ALLOW_LIST = ['cat-pic.jpg'];
// Check requests for a pre-shared secret
const hasValidHeader = (request, env) => {
return request.headers.get('X-Custom-Auth-Key') === env.AUTH_KEY_SECRET;
function authorizeRequest(request, env, key) {
switch (request.method) {
case 'PUT':
case 'DELETE':
return hasValidHeader(request, env);
case 'GET':
return ALLOW_LIST.includes(key);
return false;
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
const url = new URL(request.url);
const key = url.pathname.slice(1);
if (!authorizeRequest(request, env, key)) {
return new Response('Forbidden', { status: 403 });
// ...

For this to work, you need to create a secret via Wrangler:

$ wrangler secret put AUTH_KEY_SECRET

This command will prompt you to enter a secret in your terminal:

$ wrangler secret put AUTH_KEY_SECRET
Enter the secret text you'd like assigned to the variable AUTH_KEY_SECRET on the script named <YOUR_WORKER_NAME>:
🌀 Creating the secret for script name <YOUR_WORKER_NAME>
✨ Success! Uploaded secret AUTH_KEY_SECRET.

This secret is now available as AUTH_KEY_SECRET on the env parameter in your Worker.

​​ 7. Deploy your bucket

With your Worker and bucket set up, run the wrangler publish command to deploy to Cloudflare’s global network:

$ wrangler publish

You can verify your authorization logic is working through the following commands, using your deployed Worker endpoint:

# Attempt to write an object without providing the "X-Custom-Auth-Key" header
$ curl -X PUT --data-binary 'test'
#=> Forbidden
# Expected because header was missing
# Attempt to write an object with the wrong "X-Custom-Auth-Key" header value
$ curl -X PUT --header "X-Custom-Auth-Key: hotdog" --data-binary 'test'
#=> Forbidden
# Expected because header value did not match the AUTH_KEY_SECRET value
# Attempt to write an object with the correct "X-Custom-Auth-Key" header value
# Note: Assume that "*********" is the value of your AUTH_KEY_SECRET Wrangler secret
$ curl -X PUT --header "X-Custom-Auth-Key: *********" --data-binary 'test'
#=> Put cat-pic.jpg successfully!
# Attempt to read object called "foo"
$ curl
#=> Forbidden
# Expected because "foo" is not in the ALLOW_LIST
# Attempt to read an object called "cat-pic.jpg"
$ curl
#=> test
# Note: This is the value that was successfully PUT above

By completing this guide, you have successfully installed Wrangler and deployed your R2 bucket to Cloudflare.

  1. Workers Tutorials
  2. Workers Examples