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Health Checks
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Health Checks Analytics

Once you have set up a standalone Health Check including notification emails, use Health Check Analytics to debug possible origin issues.

To access health check analytics:

  1. Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard and select your account and domain.
  2. Go to Traffic > Health Check Analytics.

You can evaluate origin uptime, latency, failure reason, and specific event logs:

  • Health Checks By Uptime: Shows the percentage of uptime for individual origins over time.
  • Health Checks By Failure Reason: Shows a breakdown of failures by the specific reason. See common error code causes and solutions below.
  • Health Checks By Latency: Shows average latency – measured in round trip time — for individual origins over time.
  • Event Log: Shows individual health check data.
    • Select each record for additional details on Round trip time, the Failure Reason, the Average Waterfall (showing chronological data about request stages), Response status code, and more.

​​ Common error codes

​​ TCP connection failed

​​ Cause

Health Checks failed to establish a TCP connection to your origin server.

​​ Solution

This typically occurs when there is a network failure between Cloudflare and your origin, and/or a firewall refuses to allow our connection. Ensure your network and firewall configurations are not interfering with traffic.

​​ HTTP timeout occurred

​​ Cause

The origin failed to return an HTTP response within the timeout configured. This happens if you have the timeout set to a low number. For example, one to two seconds.

​​ Solution

Cloudflare recommends increasing the HTTP response timeout to allow the origin server to respond.

​​ Response code mismatch error

​​ Cause

Cloudflare receives an HTTP status code that does not match the values defined in the expected_codes property of your Health Check configuration.

​​ Solution

Response codes must match the expected_codes. Confirm the values are correct by comparing the expected response codes and the status code received in the Event Log.

​​ ​​Alternate cause

You may also see this issue if you have a Health Check configured to use HTTP connections and your origin server is redirecting to HTTPS. In this case, the response code will often be 301, 302, or 303.

​​ Solution

Change your Cloudflare Health Check configuration to use HTTPS or set the value of follow_redirect to true so that Cloudflare can resolve the correct status code.

​​ Response body mismatch error

​​ Cause

The response body returns from your origin server and does not include the (case-insensitive) value of expected_body configured in your Health Check.

​​ Solution

Ensure the expected_body is in the first 10 KB of the response body. ​​

​​ TLS untrusted certificate error

​​ Cause

The certificate is not trusted by a public Certificate Authority (CA).

​​ Solution

If you’re using a self-signed certificate, Cloudflare recommends either using a publicly trusted certificate or setting the allow_insecure property on your Health Check to true.

​​ TLS name mismatch error

​​ Cause

Our Health Check (client) was not able to match a name on the server certificate to the hostname of the request.

​​ Solution

Inspect your Health Check configuration to confirm that the header value set in the Cloudflare Health Check is correct.

​​ TLS protocol error

​​ Cause

This error can occur if you are using an older version of TLS or your origin server is not configured for HTTPS.

​​ Solution

Ensure that your origin server supports TLS 1.2 or greater and is configured for HTTPS.

​​ TLS unrecognized name error

​​ Cause

The server did not recognize the name provided by the client. When a host header is set, this is set as the ServerName in the initial TLS handshake. If it is not set, Cloudflare will not provide a ServerName, which can cause this error.

​​ Solution

Set the host header in your Health Check object.

​​ ​​No route to host error

​​ Cause

The IP address cannot be reached from Cloudflare’s network. Common causes are ISP or hosting provider network issues (e.g. BGP level), or that the IP does not exist.

​​ Solution

Ensure IP is accurate, and check if there is an ISP or hosting provider network issue.

​​ TCP Timeout

​​ Cause

Data transmission was not acknowledged and the retransmit of data did not succeed.

​​ Solution

Confirm whether the SYN-ACK for the handshake takes place at your origin and contact Cloudflare support.

​​ ​​Network Unreachable

​​ Cause

Cloudflare cannot connect to the origin web server due to network unavailability. This is usually caused by a network issue or incorrect origin IP.

​​ Solution

Check the IP entered for the origin in Cloudflare’s Health Checks configuration or the IP returned via DNS for the origin hostname.

​​ HTTP Invalid Response

​​ Cause

Usually caused by an HTTP 502 error or bad gateway.

​​ Solution

Ensure the origin web server responds to requests and that no applications have crashed or are under high load.

​​ DNS Unknown Host

​​ Cause

The origin web server hostname does not exist.

​​ Solution

Confirm the origin web server resolves to an IP address.

​​ Connection Reset by Peer

​​ Cause

A network error occurred while the client received data from the origin web server.

​​ Solution

Confirm whether the origin web server is experiencing a high amount of traffic or an error.

​​ Monitor Configuration Error

​​ Cause

There was a configuration error in the Health Check and no checks were run against the origin.

​​ Solution

Review your Health Check configuration to ensure it matches an expected request to your origin.

​​ ​​DNS Internal

​​ Cause

The origin web server’s hostname resolves to an internal or restricted address. No checks are run against this origin.

​​ Solution

Cloudflare does not allow use of an origin web server hostname that resolves to a Cloudflare IP.

​​ Other Failure

​​ Cause

If the failure cannot be classified as any other type of failure mentioned above.

​​ Solution

Contact Cloudflare support.